' Ndranghera: The volume "The Holy Sect is present at the salon of the Book of Calabria of San Mango D'Aquino
The volume "The Holy Sect – the power of the ' Ndrangheta on affiliates and the social consensus" III ed. Laruffa, is present at the salon of the Book of Calabria of San Mango D'Aquino, a book explaining the instrumentalization of religious symbols by the ' Ndrangheta, baptisms, functions and processions, religious sentiment as a tool to flaunt power in a Predominantly Catholic territory. The first edition was written in 2011, the third edition, dedicated to the sacrifices of the men and women of the forces of the armed forces and Intelligence was presented together with the Commander General of the weapon of the Carabinieri Tullio del Sette. The author of the book Lia Staropoli, who lives in Limbadi in the province of Vibo Valentia, has decided to donate the proceeds to the widow of a carabiniere victim of duty with young children.