18 October 2024

From Conflenti part "Calabria inspired", the travelling fair on inspirational tourism

It ' started today, from the small center of Reventino, the third edition of a unique event of its kind: "Calabria inspired", a fair touring on the inspirational tourism that for three years anticipates the Festival of hospitality that will be held, for the 2018, to Nicotera from 28 to 30 September. Calabria inspired born from an idea of Roberta Caruso and is an event that enhances and animates the Calabrian territories, offering participants unique experiences crossing the region from north to south. A tour that tells examples of hospitality that combine innovation and tradition, involving the traveler in the daily life of the places he visits. The event was started by Conflenti, a village in the hinterland of Lametini that in recent years is aiming to enhance the village through the recovery of musical traditions. "Musical traditions and hospitality" is in fact the theme of the matchday organized by the association "Happy & Conflenti". The ' happy to Conflenti ' day began at 10 when dancers, musicians, researchers and tradition bearers met the group of tour operators and influencer to discover the beauties that Conflenti offers. The goal, in fact, is to combine musical research with responsible and sustainable tourism in a festive atmosphere. In the afternoon were held in the historic center of Upper Conflenti the laboratories of traditional instruments and dance and the workshop of carving and cooking where protagonists were "the Buccunotti Cujjintari". Space also to exhibitions of traditional instruments and meetings with the artisans of the territory. The day ends with the feast in Piazza Sant'Andrea with tastings of local products, music and dances with traditional players. A new form of tourism that can be defined "on the contrary" what the tour operators in their packages intend to offer, a tourism that is not only focused on the welfare of the visitor but that also starts from the place and the host community to enhance it.

All this grace in Calabria inspired that "tells a territory to discover and know all the year-emphasize the organizers of the fair-which does not chase the seasons but is built on the personalities and uniqueness of those who have tied themselves to their own Reference context. It is the proposal of a land that starts from human resources, from the details that unite places and people, defining every time an experience in itself unrepeatable. Tourism training, in-depth travel and the possibility of a holiday to dis-learn is what makes the Calabria a region to know and appreciate. Hospitality is not a job but a talent and as such varies and is dislocated in the different faces that meet on the way, because "those who travel without meeting the other, do not travel, move."

Other stages of the tour are: Montalto Uffugo, Altomonte, Cirò, Mongiana, San Floro, and finally Nicotera, where the three days of the Festival of hospitality will take place.

The group of visitors, on the other hand, consists of tour operators: Francesco Pagliarulo for Puia Emotion-tour operator experiential, Giancarlo Dell'orco for Vacanzattiva-marketplace of tour operators related to the world of outdoor and influencer Francis Christian for Viatoribus-Editor of Travel Guides, Stefano Raso for itineraries and places-Italian magazine specializing in experiential tourism, Laura Testa for Eurocomunicazione.com. To lead the group Roberta Caruso, contact of the hospitality Team.

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